Jiri Horak vs. Amit Zulkowitz

Jun 28, 2016

In Hand #2 on the Money Bubble, Amit Zulkowitz doubled thru Jiri Horak when Horak the river of a board showing Heart QClub 8Diamond 6Spade 4Diamond J. Zulkowitz tank-called with Spade ASpade J for a rivered pair of jacks, and Horak revealed over his bluff — Diamond KDiamond 5. That took Zulkowitz up to about 261,000 in chips.

Now, in Hand #11, with the final board showing Spade KDiamond 4Club 3Spade 3Spade 2, Horak bets 53,000, and Zulkowitz calls with Spade ASpade J to win the pot with a runner-runner spade flush. Horak mucks.

Amit Zulkowitz  –  330,000  (66 bb)
Jiri Horak  –  295,000  (59 bb)

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