Brian Altman Eliminated in 16th Place by Scott McMorran

May 4, 2016

Brian Altman

Scott McMorran raises under the gun to 45,000, WPT Champions Club member Brian Altman (pictured) reraises UTG+1 to 135,000, and McMorran moves all in. Altman quickly calls all in for about 700,000 with Spade ASpade K, and McMorran turns over Spade JHeart J. Altman needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Club KSpade 10Club 4Club JClub 7 — Altman pairs his king on the flop, only to see McMorran turn a set of jacks. McMorran wins the pot to eliminate Altman in 16th place.

Scott McMorran  –  1,575,000  (79 bb)
Brian Altman  –  Eliminated in 16th Place  (CAD $13,130)

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