Rick Luong Off to a Good Start

May 3, 2016

In the first hand of the day, Guillaume Nolet opens for 18,000 and is met by an all-in three-bet shove to 56,000 by Rick Luong. Nolet makes the call and it’s off to the races.

Nolet: Spade QSpade J
Luong: Diamond 7Spade 7

Luong takes a hammerlock on the hand when the Heart 7Spade 5Diamond 2 flop gives him a set, and he locks it up with a full house on the Heart 5 turn. The meaningless Heart J is put out on the river, and Luong ships the double.

Guillaume Nolet – 216,000 (27 bbs)
Rick Luong – 120,000 (15 bbs)

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