Jeff Gross Doubles; Omid Shahbazian Falls

May 2, 2016

Omid Shahbazian

Omid Shahbazian moves all in from early position for 59,500 and Jeff Gross calls off for 39,500 from the hijack. The rest of the field folds and the cards are turned up.

Gross: Diamond ASpade 10
Shahbazian: Club AClub 8

Shahbazian has a kicker problem and it doesn’t get resolved as the board runs out an unhelpful Diamond 6Heart JSpade 3Heart 9Heart A. Gross doubles on the hand while Shahbazian is left with 19,500.

Not long after, Shahbazian shoves under the gun and Tu Kien Luong calls. Tony Dunst then three-bet to 65,000, and Luong folds.

Dunst: Spade 10Club 10
Shahbazian: Spade JSpade 3

The board runs out Spade 6Heart 2Diamond KClub 7Club Q and that’s all she wrote for Shahbazian.

Tony Dunst – 359,000 (60 bbs)
Jeff Gross – 90,000 (15 bbs)
Omid Shahbazian – Eliminated in 52nd Place

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