Xuan Liu Can't Win in a Fair Fight Against Spencer Stacey

Apr 30, 2016

Spencer Stacey opens for 1,300 from middle position and the player in the cutoff calls. Xuan Liu then three-bets all in for 8,225 from the small blind, and Stacey isolates with a four-bet to 20,000. The cutoff quickly folds.

Liu: Diamond QDiamond J
Stacey: Heart ASpade K

“Fair fight,” Mike Leah says from across the table. It is, but not so much when the flop comes down Club ADiamond KHeart 2 to give Stacey two pair. Liu needs either a ten or running cards to win, but it doesn’t happen as the Club 2 blanks on the turn followed by the Club 4 on the river.

Spencer Stacey – 70,000 (140 bbs)
Xuan Liu – Eliminated

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