Ariel Albilia's Kicker Makes the Difference Against Ari Engel

Apr 30, 2016

Ari Engel opens for what looks to be 1,025 only to have Ariel Albilia move all in for his last 2,125. Action folds back to Engel, and he makes a quick call.

Albilia: Spade AHeart K
Engel: Heart ADiamond Q

Albilia is way out in front thanks to his kicker, and that’s just where he stays as the board runs out a clean Heart JSpade JClub 8Heart 6Diamond 3. Ship the double to Albilia!

Ari Engel – 44,000 (110 bbs)
Ariel Albilia – 5,000 (12.5 bbs)

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