Billy Baxter Eliminated in 56th Place by Roland Israelashvili

Dec 17, 2015

Billy Baxter

Roland Israelashvili raises from the button to 16,000, Billy Baxter (pictured) moves all in from the big blind for 24,000, and Israelashvili calls with Spade JClub J. Baxter turns over Diamond 10Diamond 4, and he needs his hand to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond AHeart 7Spade 6Club 9Spade 2 — Baxter turns a gutshot straight draw, but improves no further. Israelashvili wins the pot with his pocket jacks to eliminate Baxter in 56th place.

Roland Israelashvili  –  280,000  (47 bb)
Billy Baxter  –  Eliminated in 56th Place  ($21,074)

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