Nathan Gallighan OUT in 5th (£26,500)

Nov 3, 2015

Richard Harris raised pre-flop to 550k, and saw Nathan Gallighan re-raise. Frankie thought about coming along for the ride, but ultimately, chose to pass. Harris was neither passing or calling, clicking it up to 2.35m. That was enough for Gallighan to consider his opponent committed to calling a shove, and he got it all-in for around 10m. Harris snap-called and it wasn’t hard to see why, when he turned over Diamond AClub A ! Gallighan was aghast, turning over Heart KDiamond K – the worst luck when 5-handed and over thirty big-blinds deep.

the board played out X XX XX XX XX XX X to double Richard up to well over 18 million. That left Nathan with pocket change, and although a few shoves got through without being called, eventually it was Harris himself who dealt the fatal blow to Gallighan’s chances when his call with Club ADiamond 7 held against Nathan’s Diamond KDiamond 9 . We lose Nathan in 5th and with the remaining players heading to a 45-minute dinner break, these are the chip-counts:

Richard Harris – 19.9 million chips

Yani Yanev – 11.4m

Chin Chai Koh – 9.825m

Florian Duta – 7.075m

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