Hand #46: Massive Double Up for Lifman

Nov 1, 2015

Hand #46: Ben Cade raises from the button to 50,000 and Mark Lifman three-bets from the small blind to 100,000. Cade makes the call and the flop brings out Diamond 5Diamond 6Diamond 7 on which Lifman bets 140,000. Cade raises it up to 310,000 and Lifman goes into the tank.

“Is it time to go three-handed?” Lifman asks Nipun Java.

Java remains silent, and Lifman adds, “I think it’s time to gamble.”

Lifman moves all in and Cade calls for a total of 775,000.

Cade: Diamond AClub J
Lifman: Diamond JSpade J

“Black cards!” Lifman shouts, as he’s at risk for his tournament life.

The turn brings the Spade 9 and the river the Spade Q giving Lifman a big double up. Lifman now sits on 1,800,000 while Cade is left with 376,000 chips.

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