Julian Sacks Eliminated by Gintautas Putinas

Sep 27, 2015

Gintautas Putinas opens to 7,500 from under the gun, Kenneth Holmes and Jerry Payne call from middle position. Julian Sacks moves all in from the cutoff, the button and blinds folds. Putinas moves all in himself, Homes and Payne fold. Sacks’ Club KClub Q will need some help to avoid elimination as Putinas tables Club AHeart K.

The players cards come into play as mere kickers as the Diamond 9Club 9Heart 5Spade 2Diamond 2 gives them both two pair, nines and twos. Putinas’ ace is good enough to eliminate Sacks with about 20 minutes remaining in the level.

Gintautas Putinas – 225,000 (75 bb)
Julian Sacks – Eliminated

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