Matt Diehl Eliminated in 21st Place by Matt Affleck

Sep 24, 2015

Matt Diehl

Matt Diehl (pictured) raises under the gun to 50,000, Blake Whittington calls from the hijack, Jean-Pierre Sevigny calls from the cutoff, and Matt Affleck reraises from the button to 225,000. Diehl moves all in for about 515,000, and Whittington and Sevigny both fold.

Diehl turns over Spade AClub K, and he needs to improve to stay alive against Affleck’s Heart KDiamond K.

The board comes Spade 6Spade 5Heart 2Club 5Spade 8, and the pocket kings hold up for Affleck to win the pot and eliminate Diehl in 21st place.

Matt Affleck  –  1,660,000  (69 bb)
Matt Diehl  –  Eliminated in 21st Place  ($14,793)

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