Samantha Abernathy Eliminated by Ad Schaap

May 13, 2015

Samantha AbernathyWe have lost Samantha Abernathy.

She opens the button, Ad Schaap calls in the small blind, and the big blind squeezes to 7,900. Abernathy makes the call, as does Schaap.

Flop: Kspade 5spade 2spade

All three players check.

Turn: 6diamond

Schaap leads for 9,000, the big blind folds, and Abernathy moves all-in for 30,000; Schaap calls.


Schaap: 8spade 6spade
Abernathy: 6club 6heart

Abernathy has turned a set, but Schaap has flopped a flush. Abernathy needs the board to pair in order to survive, but it doesn’t. The dealer putting the 4club on the felt, to turn Abernathy’s day upside down.

Schaap ~ 187,000

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