Elizabeth Bennett-Martin Out in 32nd Place (CAD $7,340)

May 4, 2015

Elizabeth Bennett-Martin
Jonathan Karamalikis opens from under the gun and Elizabeth Bennett-Martin (pictured) calls from the button.

They check to the turn of a 9heart3spade2diamond5club board where Karamalikis bets 18,000. Bennett-Martin calls, the Kspade river completes the board, and Karamalikis checks. Bennett-Martin shoves for about 73,000 and Karamalikis calls instantly.

Bennett-Martin tables KclubJheart for a pair of kings, but Karamalikis shows 9spade9club for a set of nines to score the elimination.

Jonathan Karamalikis  –  1,039,000  (129 bb)
Elizabeth Bennett-Martin  –  Out in 32nd Place  (CAD $7,340)

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