Jason Strauss Eliminated in 11th Place ($3,901)

Apr 19, 2015

In the biggest pot of the tournament so far we have lost Jason Strauss, we have found a new chip leader and we’ve reached a final table!

The action started on Strauss who raised to 85,000 and Ciro Koncke called from the big blind.

The flop brought out KheartKdiamond9heart and Strauss check-called 75,000.

On the turn the 6diamond hit and Koncke checked again. Strauss bet 200,000 this time around and Koncke moved all in after about 30 seconds.

“I guess I’ll call,” Strauss said, as if he knew what was coming.

Strauss: Kclub8heart
Koncke: KspadeTspade

Koncke had a huge advantage and needed to dodge very few cards, and the Qspade on the river did not help Strauss. After counting down the stacks Strauss had 715,000 against Koncke’s 755,000 chips. Strauss was knocked out and Koncke is the new tournament chip leader with 2,350,000.

There will now be a redraw for the Final 10, and updated chip counts will follow shortly.

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