Koren Knocks Bezseny Out

Mar 13, 2015

Just moments after mentioning Artur Koren’s presence in the tournament we heard he managed to win a big pot.

The Austrian pro raised to 800 from the cutoff and the player to his left called from the button. Laszlo Bezseny called from the small blind and three-way the flop showed Aspade3spade2heart.

The action was checked to Koren who bet 1,500 and the button called after which Bezseny check-raised to 3,000. Koren made it 6,800 and the button called once more.

The action was not done yet, as Bezseny put in another raise making it 18,200 to go. This was the moment Koren seemed to be waiting for, as he moved all in for 34,750 and the player on the button finally opted to fold.

Bezseny called and the showdown went as following.

Koren: 3diamond3club
Bezseny: Adiamond2diamond

The board ran out Jdiamond, Qclub and Koren raked in a massive pot by knocking out his Hungarian opponent. Koren now sits on around 70,000 chips.

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