Vadim Baranovsky Out in 11th Place ($73,640)

Mar 4, 2015

Vadim Baranovsky

Mike Leah raises to 50,000 from middle position, Vadim Baranovsky reraises to 136,000 from the cutoff, and Chris Klodnicki cold four-bets to 250,000. Leah folds, but Baranovsky moves all in for 512,000 total. Klodnicki gets a count, then calls.

Baranovsky turns over Jspade10diamond and he is racing with Klodnicki’s 9heart9spade. The pair holds as the board runs out AdiamondKclub7heart3diamond2spade and Baranovsky is eliminated. As he exits, the clock is paused and the remaining ten players combine to a single table.

Chris Klodnicki – 1,460,000 (61 bb)
Vadim Baranovsky – Eliminated in 11th place for $73,640

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