Kevin Gimble Out in 23rd Place ($40,170)

Mar 3, 2015

Kevin Gimble

Mike Leah raises under the gun to 25,000, Tim Cramer calls from the cutoff, Ron West calls from the button, and Kevin Gimble (pictured) calls from the big blind.

The flop comes 8club7diamond6heart, and Gimble moves all in for 193,000. Leah folds, Cramer calls, and West folds Aclub9club face up (open-ended straight draw).

Gimble turns over 5heart2heart for an open-ended straight draw, and he needs to improve to stay alive against Cramer’s QspadeQdiamond.

The turn is the 2diamond, giving Gimble additional outs with a pair, and the river is the 3club. Cramer wins the pot with his pocket queens to eliminate Gimble from the tournament.

Tim Cramer  –  1,145,000  (95 bb)
Mike Leah  –  1,495,000  (124 bb)
Ron West  –  335,000  (27 bb)
Kevin Gimble  –  Eliminated in 23rd Place  ($40,170)

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