Shooting Star Marvin Rettenmaier Eliminated by Seth Fischer

Mar 10, 2015

Marvin Rettenmaier
After a flop of Kclub9club4diamond, Shooting Star Marvin Rettenmaier (pictured) is all in for 9,200 with 7spade7heart against Seth Fischer on the button with Aclub5club (flush draw).

The turn is the Jclub, the river is the Qdiamond, and Fischer turns a club flush to win the pot and eliminate Rettenmaier.

For busting a Shooting Star, Fischer receives $2,500, an autographed Bounty T-shirt, and a Bounty Medallion.

Seth Fischer  –  93,000  (155 bb)
Marvin Rettenmaier  –  Eliminated

Rettenmaier immediately heads to the casino cage to take advantage of his one re-entry.

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