David Nowling Doubles Through Sebastian Tejada

Feb 9, 2015

David Nowling raises to 35,000 from middle position and action folds around to Sebastian Tejada, who raises to 140,000 out of the big blind. Nowling takes a minute in the tank and then announces he is all in for his last 363,000.

Tejada quickly calls and shows AheartQheart. He is dominated by Nowling’s AspadeAclub. The flop brings some life to Tejada and some gasps from the table as the dealer spreads Kheart9heart7diamond, giving Tejada the nut flush draw.

The turn is the 4spade and the river is the 7club and Nowling’s aces hold up to double up.

David Nowling – 752,000 (47 bb)
Sebastian Tejada – 151,000 (9 bb)

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