Panagiotis Nifakos Out in 15th Place ($27,934)

Feb 10, 2015

Panagiotis Nifakos

Panagiotis Nifakos (pictured) raises under the gun to 115,000, Bruce Kramer calls from the button, and Brian Altman calls from the big blind.

All three players check to the turn on a board of Jheart7heart7spadeQheart, and Altman bets 200,000. Nifakos moves all in for 970,000, Kramer folds, and Altman calls with 7club2club for trip sevens. Nifakos turns over AheartQdiamond for two pair, queens and sevens, with an ace-high flush draw, and he needs a queen or a heart on the river to stay alive.

The river card is the 8diamond, and Altman wins the pot with his trip sevens to eliminate Nifakos from the tournament.

Brian Altman  –  7,600,000  (190 bb)
Panagiotis Nifakos  –  Eliminated in 15th Place  ($27,934)

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