Hand #36: Nathan Tuthill Out in 8th Place ($88,733)

Feb 10, 2015

Nathan Tuthill

Hand #36  –  Nathan Tuthill (pictured) raises from middle position to 600,000, leaving himself 50,000 behind — less than a single big blind. Mark Dube moves all in from the big blind, and Tuthill calls his final 50,000 with AspadeQspade. Dube shows 3heart3club, and Tuthill needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Aheart7spade3spade2diamond5diamond, and Dube wins the pot with a set of threes to eliminate Tuthill from the tournament.

Mark Dube  –  10,180,000  (127 bb)
Nathan Tuthill  –  Eliminated in 8th Place  ($88,733)

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