Phong Truong Out in 15th Place (CAD $26,410)

Nov 25, 2014

Phong Truong

Jonathan Jaffe raises UTG+1 to 70,000, Phong Truong (pictured above) moves all in from the big blind for about 615,000, and Jaffe calls with JclubJheart. Truong turns over AheartQclub, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes 8diamond6club4club8spade6heart, and the pocket jacks hold up for Jaffee to win the pot, eliminating Truong from the tournament.

Jonathan Jaffe  –  3,090,000  (103 bb)
Phong Truong  –  Eliminated in 15th Place  (CAD $26,410)

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