Fraser MacIntyre Eliminated in 17th Place (£10,200)

Nov 21, 2014

Matas Cimbolas opens to 24,000 from under the gun. Najib Kamand calls in the next seat, Fraser MacIntyre calls from the cutoff, Antoine Saout calls from the button and Phillip Mighill calls in the big blind.

Flop: Qheart 6club 5heart

The action checks to Saout, who bets 68,000, and only MacIntyre calls.

Turn: Jdiamond

MacIntyre checks, Saout bets 200,000, and MacIntyre check-raise james for 800,000; Saout snap-calls.


Saout: 5diamond 5club
MacIntyre: Qdiamond Tclub

Saout is light years ahead, with the set, and after the 7heart hits the river it’s all over. Saout takes the chip lead at the death and the unlikely name of Fraser MacIntyre leaves the contest in 17th place.

Saout ~ 2,317,000

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