Boris Becker's Aces Cracked

Apr 19, 2009

Action folds around to the button who raises to 600.   Justin "Boosted J" Smith calls from the small blind and Boris Becker calls from the big blind.  The flop comes [10d7d2d].  Smith checks, Becker bets 1,550.  The button folds and Smith calls.

The turn is the [5s] and Smith checks it over to Becker who bets 3,500.  Smith calls again.

The river brings the [2c] and Smith checks for a third time.  Becker makes a large bet of 11,000.  Smith takes his time before raising to 37,000.  Becker makes the call.

Becker turns over [AdAh] but they’re no good against the [10c10h] of Smith for top full house.

Justin "Boosted J" Smith – 143,900
Boris Becker – 54,000

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