Hand #8: Chau Vu Eliminated in 6th Place ($135,000)

Mar 20, 2009

Steve Brecher has the button in seat 3.

Chau Vu moves all in under the gun for 202,000, and Tony Behari calls from the small blind with [8c8h]. Chau shows [As8d], and he’ll need to improve to stay alive.

The flop comes [KsJd10c], and Chau picks up a gutshot straight draw for additional outs. The turn card is the [9d], and Chau needs an ace or a queen to stay alive.

The river card is the [3c], and Tony Behari wins the pot with his pocket eights.

Chau Vu is eliminated in sixth place, earning $135,000.

Pot Size  –  428,000

Chris Moore  –  1,734,000
Thao Le  –  884,000
Steve Brecher  –  2,160,000
Tony Behari  –  1,909,000
Kathy Liebert  –  1,134,000
Chau Vu  –  Out in 6th ($135,000)

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