Faraz Jaka Keeps His Table Guessing

Apr 19, 2010

Faraz Jaka limps in for 800 from middle position.  Ian Woodley is on the button and makes it 4,500 to go.  Jaka calls and the two go heads-up to  flop.

The cards come down [10d6d2s] and Jaka checks.  Woodley bets out 21,000 and Jaka calls.  When the turn brings the [10s], Jaka makes the minimum bet of 800. Woodley pauses before making it 30,000 to go.

Jaka calls and the two see the river come [Ad].  Jaka takes a minute or two to eyeball his own stack before betting 26,000, leaving 25,000 or so behind.  Woodley thinks a little while before folding.

Before Jaka can muck his hand, Shawn Buchanan makes an offer:

"$200 to see it," Buchanan says. Jaka counter-offers, saying for $100 he’ll let Buchanan see one card.  Buchanan agrees and picks which card he wants to turn over.

Buchanan flips up the [2d] as Jaka rakes in the pot.

Faraz Jaka – 170,000
Ian Woodley – 90,000

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