Hand #55: Jerry Vanstrydonck Wins a 950K Pot Against Hoyt Corkins

Jan 27, 2010

Hoyt Corkins raises from the button to 68,000, and Jerry Vanstrydonck calls from the big blind. They check to the turn on a board of [AcKs7dQc], Vanstrydonck checks, Hoyt bets 120,000, and Vanstrydonck calls. 

The river card is the [8s], Vanstrydonck bets 275,000, and Hoyt tanks for more than two minutes before he calls. Vanstrydonck shows [Qd7c] to win the pot with two pair (queens and sevens), and Hoyt mucks.

Pot Size:  953,000

Seat 2:  Hoyt Corkins  –  2,437,000
Seat 3:  Jonathan Kantor  –  2,088,000
Seat 4:  Jerry Vanstrydonck  –  1,775,000

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